How to Choose a Charleston Plastic Surgeon
If you are considering plastic surgery, selecting your surgeon is the most important decision you will make. Your surgeon can make all the difference in the quality of care you receive and the results you achieve. Your surgeon should be someone who helps you through the entire process with care and support.

Your Choice of Surgeon Will Affect:
- The information and guidance you get to help you prepare for your procedure
- The quality of your surgery and your follow-up care
- Your overall satisfaction level with the entire experience
- Your safety
American Society of Plastic Surgeons Past President Malcolm Roth, MD, FACS, recently appeared on Katie Couric’s daytime talk show Katie to discuss the importance of choosing a Board-Certified plastic surgeon. Watch a clip from the program here:
“You would never buy a discount parachute because your life could depend upon it,” says Dr. Roth. “The same can be said for discounted, quick-fix plastic surgery.”
Certified for the Highest Standards
Many surgeons describe themselves as cosmetic or aesthetic surgeons, even when they have little or no experience and no formal training in cosmetic surgery. To be sure your surgeon has training in plastic surgery, make sure he or she is board-certified in plastic surgery. If you choose an ASPS Member Surgeon, you can be confident that your surgeon:
- Has been certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery
- Has at least three years of plastic surgery training and experience, and six years of total surgical training and experience. Non-member surgeons may have no plastic surgery experience or training.
- Adheres to a strict ethical code, including a commitment to operate only in accredited medical facilities
- Strives to remain at the forefront of medical practice with continuing education
- Treats patients like partners in procedures and respects your treatment choices
For all these reasons, it is often a good first step to limit your search to ASPS Member Surgeons when looking for a cosmetic surgeon.
When You Meet Your Prospective Surgeon:
- Ask questions of the surgeon and staff and gauge their willingness to answer questions frankly.
- Ask your surgeon about his or her training in the procedure you are considering. Also, don’t forget to ask about training and experience of support personnel. How long have the nurses been working with this doctor? Will the anesthesiologist be board-certified?
- Look at before and after pictures of patients who have had the procedure you are considering.
- Are the surgeon and staff happy to spend time with you and do not make you feel rushed?
- Ask about the education process. Are they willing to help you learn more about the procedure you are considering? Will your surgeon provide detailed pre- and post-operative instructions?
- How directly will the surgeon be involved in your follow-up care?
- Do the surgeon and staff make you feel welcome and comfortable?
Warning Signs a Surgeon Might not Be Right for You:
- Your consultation feels like a sales pitch
- The surgeon promotes much more extensive procedure than you desire
- You cannot see before and after pictures of actual patients
- The surgeon is reluctant to answer questions, especially about training, experience, or complications
- The surgeon spends very little time with you, quickly passing you off to staff
- The practice offers very low prices that seem too good to be true
If your consultation does not leave you with a positive feeling about your cosmetic surgeon, you should keep looking. You should feel that your surgeon was open with you and was genuinely listening to your questions, concerns, and goals. You should feel confident about the surgeon’s training, experience, and ability to perform your procedure.
Dr. Widenhouse invites you to visit him at Port City Plastic Surgery in Charleston, South Carolina to learn about his qualifications and how he can help you get the best possible results from your plastic surgery. Please schedule a consultation today.
2683 Lake Park Drive
Charleston, SC 29406
125 River Landing Drive
Suite 101
Daniel Island, SC 29492