Mr. Jackson

We Answered Your Questions About Microblading

Microblading in Charleston, SCWe’ve all been there – looking at the countertop full of makeup dreading having to stand there for an extra 15 minutes to make sure our eyebrows are filled in and look even. A new trend called microblading has hopped onto our social media pages over the past few years, and everyone has questions about what it is and if it’s worth it. Let’s go over some of the questions we hear the most at Port City Plastic Surgery, so you can make the determination for yourself.

Is Microblading a Tattoo?

The answer to this question is a little complicated. Microblading is a special technique in which the eyebrows are filled in with pigment and defined by individual strokes of color that mimic the appearance of actual hair. These individual hair-like strokes are made with the use of a hand-held microblade tool made up of a series of small needles. While microblading has the same general principle of pushing pigment through the superficial layers of skin to create a mark as tattooing does, the process is nowhere near as invasive or as permanent. Because the pigment only penetrates through the top layers of skin, microblading is considered a semi-permanent solution that will fade after about one to two years.

Does Microblading Ruin Your Eyebrows?

No, microblading does not have negative effects on your eyebrows or how the hair of your eyebrows grows. At Port City Plastic Surgery, our aesthetician is highly trained and licensed in the microblading technique. With this series of skills and expertise, she is able to successfully give you the full, thick eyebrows you desire without harming the hair follicles that already exist around your brow. Always make sure your aesthetician is licensed and experienced in the procedure you’re looking to get done. Not having someone who is properly trained try to carry out a procedure as technical as microblading could have detrimental effects on the health of your skin.

How Long Does Microblading Last?

Microblading is a very detail-oriented procedure and takes about two hours to complete. When preparing for your microblading treatment, we recommend you avoid blood-thinning medications, chemical peels, other brow tinting products, hair removal treatments and injectable rejuvenation treatments like Botox® for a week or two beforehand. When you arrive, our aesthetician will clean your brow area and apply a topical anesthetic to ensure your treatment is as comfortable as possible. She will then being etching hair-like strokes of pigment into your brow until you are satisfied with the color and fullness.

Is Microblading Worth the Cost?

The average cost of a microblading treatment can range anywhere between $350 to $800, depending on the skill and expertise of your aesthetician. Remember to keep in mind that as the skill level of your aesthetician increases, so does the cost of your treatment. That being said, this total payment will give you natural-looking results that can last for up to two years at a time. This means two years of your face being flawlessly framed by your brows without having to pick up your makeup. All of our patients that have come in for microblading have fallen in love with their new look and swear to never turn back to a life without it. Don’t believe us? Check out our microblading before and after photo gallery to see your potential results.

Are you starting to think microblading is worth the investment? Contact us to schedule your consultation with Dr. Widenhouse or one of our skilled aestheticians to see if you’re a good candidate for naturally fuller-looking brows.

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